元素 completed a full renovation of its corporate headquarters in Downtown 印第安纳波利斯, 将于2021年7月开业. The purpose of this renovation was to create a collaborative environment while also reflecting pride in our family-like culture and highly respected brand.
We surveyed all employees and included many of their suggestions for the space, 比如更多的自然光, 多个协作室, 改进的供暖和通风系统, 还有一个很大的社交区域.
Our credit union took this opportunity to also integrate innovative aspects into our new office designed to protect our employees. Our new state-of-the-art air filtration system is one example, divided into dedicated air zones for efficiency, 安慰, 最大过滤. Touchless automated entry doors were also installed for our new employees-only entrance!
Our teams have effectively proven their abilities to work efficiently beyond the office. 元素 has evolved into a hybrid workforce that allows employees to work and succeed remotely and/or in our branches and newly renovated headquarters in Downtown 印第安纳波利斯.
“Flex Hours” are another benefit taken under consideration, based on the needs of our business and each employee’s type of role and performance. We recognize that it is not always best or possible for everyone to work in the office, 每天上午8时至下午5时.